Acknowledgements :

Jean-Yves EMPEREUR, Jasmin BADR, Laurent BOREL, Raymond COLLET,
Marine ESTRANGIN, Michaël GOBRAN, Guillaume HAIRY, Isabelle HAIRY,
Kathrin MACHNINEK, Chrystelle MARCH, Catherine SABRY, Yvan VIGOUROUX,
Aurélia FREY, Célia RENOU, Yannick VERNET.

Région Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur, Association Française des Volontaires
du Progrès, Gouvernorat d’Alexandrie, Education Nationale Egyptienne, Direction
Régionale de la Jeunesse, des Sports et de la Vie Associative PACA,
Ministère de la Jeunesse et des Sports (Egypte), Bibliotheca Alexandrina,
Musée gréco-romain d’Alexandrie, Théâtre de Kom el Dikka, Conseil Supérieur
des Antiquités Egyptiennes, Musée de l’Arles et de la Provence Antique,
Chambre de Commerce et de l’Industrie du Pays d’Arles, Association El Ghad,
Caritas-Alexandrie, Les Petits Débrouillards, Centre de Culture Scientifique,
Technique et Industrielle de Marseille, Centre Culturel Français d’Alexandrie,
Consulat Général de France à Alexandrie, Centre de Conservation du Livre
d’Arles, ECM de la Friche Belle de Mai, Cobiac-Banque Régionale du Livre.

“Tell Me About Your City” selected for screening at :
Festival de vidéo archéologique d’Amiens 2008

The Centre d’Etudes Alexandrines (CEAlex), a French archaeological mission, is setting up an educational outreach section. The aim of this service is to sensitise the youth of the city to the heritage and archaeology of Alexandria through the research of the CEAlex. Using an approach that is designed to be enjoyable and multi-disciplinary, it demystifies the work of the Centre and encourages exchange between children and the various professionals involved, be they archaeologists, topographers, architects, ceramologists or numismatists.
This new service will lead school children of Alexandria on visits to archaeological
sites, through games built around the theme of water and on specific after-school
activities. The intention is to improve access to specialist research and allow young Alexandrians to (re)discover the 2300 years of their city’s history.
At the same time, the very activities of the educational outreach service lend themselves to linking the other countries of the Mediterranean basin through a shared heritage.

• A film by Mylène BLANC & Guilhem CROUSILLAT
• Produced by CNRS (USR 3134) - Centre d’Etudes Alexandrines
• Duration: 13 minutes - © 2006 – CNRS / CEAlex
• Distribution: Harpocrates Publishing - 9, Sesostris Street, Attarine, Alexandria, Egypt
• Images : Mylène BLANC, Raymond COLLET, Guilhem CROUSILLAT, Aurélia FREY
• Montage : Mylène BLANC, Raymond COLLET, Guilhem CROUSILLAT
• Still photography : Mylène BLANC, Chrystelle MARCH
• Translation and narration : Colin CLEMENT

CEAlex 13’ MA06EN