The Educational Outreach Service of the Centre d'Etudes Alexandrines (CEAlex) was established more than ten years ago to build links between the researchers of the Cealex and the school and university community. The service has enjoyed the support of the Provence-Alpes-Côte-d'Azur regional authority since its creation through the provision of “Volontaires du Progrès” (now “France Volontaires”), and organises a wide variety of activities: experimental archaeological digs for children, special teaching kits, exchanges between Alexandrian institutions and equivalents in the PACA region, organisation of the annual Heritage Days event, visits to archaeological sites etc. These activities can be conducted in three languages (French, English and Arabic) by the Egyptian and French youth leaders and in 2013 an estimated 4000 school and university students were involved.
A film by Raymond COLLET and André PELLE
Production : CNRS (USR 3134) - Centre d’Etudes Alexandrines
13 minutes - © 2014 - CNRS / CEAlex - 16:9
• filmed by Raymond COLLET, André PELLE, Marwa ABDEL GAWAD, Louise ROLLAND, Jessie MAUCOR
• edited by Raymond COLLET