Founded in 1990 by Jean-Yves Empereur, director of research with the French National Scientific Research Centre (or CNRS), the Centre d’Études Alexandrines undertakes a number of different missions in close collaboration with the Egyptian Ministry of Antiquities. The aim is the preservation and presentation of Alexandria’s exceptional heritage, which stretches over some 2300 years. 25 years later, the Research and Service Unit, No. 3134, of the French National Scientific Research Centre has a staff of 80: engineers, technicians, administrators and researchers. Jean-Yves Empereur talks about the founding of the Centre and some of its landmark events. The film features archive footage, much of which has never been seen before.
a film by Raymond COLLET and André PELLE
Production : CNRS (USR 3134) - Centre d’Etudes Alexandrines
35 minutes - © 2015 - CNRS / CEAlex - 16:9
• camera : Raymond COLLET, André PELLE, Jessie MAUCOR, Philippe SOUBIAS, archives CEAlex
• editing : Raymond COLLET et André PELLE
CEAlex 35 MA18EN